Recently, the monastery’s email received another testimony about a miracle, actually about a series of wonders created by our dearest heavenly advocate, Saint John the Baptist. We convey the letter in its entirety:

I want to testify with my letter about what happened to me and my family during our visit to the Bigorski Monastery. In December 2021, my spouse, 9-year-old son, and I spent a weekend in Mavrovo. I was going through depression due to the recent biochemical pregnancy and the many hormones I received because of the struggle for a second child in the last five years. But that was not the only problem we faced. Our son was troublesome on many fronts, and we had some unrest at home. I had several spontaneous abortions, and I was constantly on hormone therapy and depressed.
A New Miracle at Bigorski Monastery
Recently, the monastery’s email received another testimony about a miracle, actually about a series of wonders created by our dearest heavenly advocate, Saint John the Baptist. We convey the letter in its entirety:
I want to testify with my letter about what happened to me and my family during our visit to the Bigorski Monastery. In December 2021, my spouse, 9-year-old son, and I spent a weekend in Mavrovo. I was going through depression due to the recent biochemical pregnancy and the many hormones I received because of the struggle for a second child in the last five years. But that was not the only problem we faced. Our son was troublesome on many fronts, and we had some unrest at home. I had several spontaneous abortions, and I was constantly on hormone therapy and depressed.
I prayed a lot and believed that things would work out and that God would bless me with another child. But I didn’t have the spiritual support I was looking for, and I wandered alone, visiting churches, priests, etc. I prayed to God to show me the way, to get closer to Him, and to know Him better. I also prayed for my spouse to open his heart and mind to see God so that we could be together in Christ.
After that weekend in Mavrovo, my spouse suggested that we go to Bigorski, even though we had been there several times before, but those visits were touristy. This time, when we entered the monastery, I ran into one of the monks in tears and asked him for help. He immediately reached out to me unconditionally to grow my spirituality and pray for a child. I had never felt such love and care in my life as I did at that moment and throughout the period I was with the entire Bigorski family.
After each visit, we had such peace that cannot be described in words, which can only be given by the Father from above. We went to Bigorski every other weekend, prayed, and found the appropriate spiritual guide we were looking for. During that period, my spouse and I did not even look at each other once, and our child calmed down, even telling me during one of the vigils:
- “Mom, what was bothering me and not giving me peace is gone now. It’s beautiful. I will sit here all evening.”
My husband confessed for the first time, I got the blessing for a second child and…
We found a new apartment that we’ve always wanted, I got pregnant and my husband got a promotion at work. Our life took an upward trajectory all of a sudden.
Jovan (of course, that’s what we named him without hesitation) is now 2 months old and brought us joy at home as we never imagined at our mature age. He was born on a Christian holiday, even though my cesarean was scheduled in two days. Every day, we thank God, His Baptist, St. John, Mother of God, and all the saints for this gift. I know that he came when he was supposed to come, at the right time. I know that the path and the temptation were for a reason.
I am very grateful to the abbot of the Bigorski Monastery, Bishop Partenij, for his kindness, love, blessing, and prayers, to the monk who met us and helped us settle in after our blessed path, and to all the brothers in Christ of this holy monastery, whom I sincerely love as my own brothers.
We are waiting for Jovan to grow up a little so that our visits can be more frequent as before. God is merciful!
(Letter received at the monastery’s email address,, on January 31, 2023)
Finally, we ask everyone who has experienced the miraculous power of the icon and relics of St. John the Baptist, as well as the other saints in the Bigorski Monastery, to share their experiences with us at our email address: We also ask those who have previously shared their testimonies of the miracles of St. John with us to resend them to the same address, as some of them have been lost and the notebook in which they were recorded was burned in the fire of 2009. We would like to emphasize that the testimonies will not be published without the sender’s consent, and if someone does not want to use their full name, they can send us only their initials.
This is a testimony and glory to the great intercessor for us before the Throne of the Lord. May his blessing be with you! Thank you!