
Announcement on the Typikon of the Forgiveness Sunday Vespers

From the very beginning of the past week, which is also called the "Vestibule of Repentance," "Forefeast of Abstinence," or "Preparatory Week of the Holy Fast," the Holy Orthodox Church has, through its divine services, continuously called for heartfelt repentance—a repentance that brings forgiveness of sins and thus opens the gates to true fasting. The…

Christmas Nativity Scene for Your Home

It comes again—a new beginning, a new birth, a new hope. The Church trembles with joy, preparing in its heart and in its courtyards to welcome the Divine Infant. A Child is born unto us, a Son is given to us. Let us welcome Him with joy, receive Him with love. Let us also sing…

In honour of the Independence Day

Bigorski Monastery "St John the Baptist" What the oxygen for the body is, that is the liberty for the human soul. The more self-awareness a nation has, the more it cherishes its freedom. (Iv. S) September 8th, 1991 proclaimed to the entire world the truth that Macedonia is worthy of the gift of freedom and…

Condolence on the tragic events

The Holy Bigorski Monastery, with its Elder, the Bishop of Antania Mr. Parthenius, expresses its deepest sympathy to the relatives of the murder victims Panche Zhezhovski and Vanja Gjorchevska, comforting them that in these tragic and difficult moments the prayers and hearts of the monastic brotherhood are with them. We earnestly pray for the repose…

Christmas caves for every Christian home

She who gave birth to the One born before the beginning of all ages - the Infant Christ - is again preparing to give birth to Him in our hearts. The manger is ready to welcome Him, the living world to rejoice in Him, the angels to sing to Him and their song the humble…


Dear readers, The Holy Bigorska Monastery prayerfully and compassionately joins the day of mourning for the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, expressing its condolences to the families of the victims and to all those affected. Our thoughts, feelings, and prayers are with them all. We earnestly pray that God may grant rest to the…