St. John heals a 5-year-old mute child
St. John constantly intercedes for us before God, especially for little children. Here is one such example. In 2009, a pious man from Skopje, Z. P., came to Bigorski Monastery. Z.P. was despondent because his son L. had just turned five years old and still hadn’t spoken a word. The child had been born mute. With faith in St. John and aware of the miracles he performs through his miraculous Bigorski icon, as well as through his holy relics kept in the monastery, the loving father brought his son to Bigorski, where a prayer was read for the boy in front of the wonder-working icon. Then both father and son left for home. Not long after, on the same day, Z. P. called the Monastery on the phone. The overjoyed father was so excited that he didn’t know what to say – his son finally spoke! Apparently, Saint John the Baptist prayed to the Heavenly Father for the child and he uttered its first word: dad.

Saint John grants a child to a couple that hadn’t had any children for six years
Jonche and Helga Donevi from Shtip were also made worthy of Saint John the Baptist’s grace-filled help. Married for six years, the young couple had still not experienced the joy of a child. They asked for help from the glorious Baptist of the Lord. In August 2011, they came to the Monastery, where a prayer was read for them in front of the Holy Forerunner’s miraculous icon. Their hope was not in vain. The following year, 2012, on November 10, their son Jakov was born, named after the Holy Apostle James, Brother of the Lord, whose relics are also kept in our Monastery The Donevi family immediately rushed to thank Saint John and his Monastery. On November 16, 2012, they sent the following letter to the monastery email address:
Christ is in our midst, Bigorski brothers! We want to share with you our most joyful news, which happened, glory be to God, through your prayers and the prayers of the Forerunner Saint John the Baptist. After six years of childlessness, in August of last year (2011) we had a prayer read for us in front of the miraculous icon of Saint John the Baptist and, glory be to God and all the saints, six days ago, on November 10, 2012, our son Jakov was born (he is named after the Apostle of the Lord, James (Jakov)). We are extremely grateful to you for your prayers for us and forgive us that during our pregnancy we could not come to thank you because we could not travel much. But we will not forget! As soon as we can, we will come to thank the Forerunner. Greetings, Jonche, Helga, and Jakov Donevi from Shtip.
Newest testimony of the power of the wonder-working icon of St. John the Baptist in Bigorski Monastery
After we started publishing some of the many miracles that St. John the Baptist performed through his wonder-working Bigorski icon and his holy relics, which together with the Cross of the Lord and relics of other Saints are kept in the beautiful reliquary in our church, we began to receive new testimonies daily of the miraculous grace of “the greatest among those born of woman.” We will now quote in full a university professor’s testimony:
The light of our life…
This letter we are writing is about the light of our life, a light that Saint John has given us abundantly.
In 2018, as a young married couple with an immense desire for children, and after a long time of sincere prayer, we decided to go receive a blessing at our “Heaven on Earth,” the Monastery of St. John Bigorski.
In the morning before sunrise, we were already waiting for the Monastery gates to open, through which the light and holiness of the Monastery were already shining through.
That morning one of our dear monastic Brothers greeted us with great warmth and blessing. Our eyes filled with tears, and we didn’t know why.
The Liturgy filled us with energy and light, something we had not felt before.
We told our story and offered a prayer to have a child. We began to be enlightened that very day, with our request to our elder, Fr. Partenij, and the Brotherhood for their sincere prayers to Saint John for us.
After just a few months, love, devotion, prayer, and fasting illumined us with the greatest gift from God. Our son was born on January 1, 2019. With the blessing of our Elder and out of thanks to Saint John, our son John entered the Holy Church through baptism in the Monastery.
“Always walk along the path of God and St. John and bear his name worthily, our John.”
The miracles of Saint John are countless. They happen every day, we just have to surrender our souls to God and sincere prayer.
We need to enlighten our life with sincere prayer and be grateful, in order to inherit a blessing.
Angela, Alexander and Jovan Krstevi

Finally, we ask that if any readers witness a miracle, healing, or help from St. John the Baptist, to describe it in detail and send it in writing to the Monastery e-mail:, as a testimony to the glory of our Great Intercessor before the Throne of God. Thank you!