Cheesefare Week
The Expulsion of Adam from Paradise "When Adam saw the angel driving him out, and the door of divine Paradise closing, he sighed deeply and said: O Merciful One, have mercy on me who have fallen." (Contakion from the Matins…
The Expulsion of Adam from Paradise "When Adam saw the angel driving him out, and the door of divine Paradise closing, he sighed deeply and said: O Merciful One, have mercy on me who have fallen." (Contakion from the Matins…
What sort of work will occupy us in paradise? What sort of work did Adam and Eve do? As Scripture says, the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Delight to cultivate and keep it…
What, then, my dear friends, should our stance be in view of this paradise, which is both within us, and of which we are a part? How does one live in paradise? Naked, but not ashamed (Gen 2.25). And what…
The hymns that we chant just before the start of Great Lent lament the loss of paradise. They present us with the figure of Adam, who was stripped of the garments of glory woven for him by God. In one…