
Fortune tellers

On Sacrifices (Kurban) and Superstition

A widely practiced yet deeply superstitious and idolatrous custom among believers is the kurban (sacrifice). The kurban performed during the consecration of a house, where the foundation is sprinkled with the blood of a slaughtered animal, and its head is…

Fortune tellers

How Many Reasons Are There for People to Be Deceived by Empty Visions and Dreams?

Regarding the involvement of demons in monastic dreams, St. John Climacus reflects on this matter as follows: "When we, leaving our homes and relatives for the sake of the Lord, dedicate ourselves to a life of solitude out of love…

Fortune tellers

The Holy Fathers on Dreams and Visions (Part II)

Why Are People Deceived by Empty Visions and Dreams? There are seven reasons why Christians are deceived by visions and dreams that seem to be from God: pride, vainglory, which is the first daughter of pride; the inexperienced and weak…

Fortune tellers

The Holy Fathers on Dreams and Visions (Part I)

What Are Dreams and Visions, and What Is the Difference Between Them? Let me answer with the words of St. John Climacus, who says: "A dream is the movement of the mind while the body is at rest. A false…

Fortune tellers

What Are the Consequences of the Sin of Sorcery? – (Part VIII)

Why Do Demons Operate Through Holy Icons? Out of love for God, stop reviving the ancient and dead Hellenic deception and integrating it into the holy life of Christians. Sorcery performed over holy icons is not a divine act of…

Fortune tellers

The Devil Should Fear Christians, Not the Other Way Around – (Part VII)

Even When Demons Heal the Body, They Do So to Kill the Soul: Examples of the Sick Who Refused Sorcery and Divination Be convinced and believe, brother, that only God is the true Healer of souls and bodies. Sorcerers and…