

Forum in Debar on the Family as the Foundation of Coexistence and Social Values

On the afternoon of Saturday, November 9, the city of Debar hosted the first Forum held within the framework of a project supporting coexistence in the region, spearheaded by the Association for the Protection and Cultivation of Cultural Values "Rajchica."…

Sermons of Bishop Parthenius

Let us transform ourselves according to the image of God so that we can change the world

Sermon of His Eminence, bishop Parthenius of Antania, Abbot of the Holy Bigorski Monastery, delivered on the day of St. Elijah, in the temple of the Great Martyr George the Triumphant in village Lazaropole, on August 2nd 2022 In the…

Sermons of Archimandrite Parthenius

Believe ye that I am able to do this?

Sermon of His Reverence, Archimandrite Parthenius, on the seventh Sunday after Pentecost, delivered in the monastery Refectory. Today, my dear ones, we have heard from the Gospel as to how God came to do good to humankind.  In today’s liturgical…

Sermons of Archimandrite Parthenius

Keep your Christian faith, don’t leave your forefather’s threshold

My dear ones, first I would like to express my sincere gratitude for inviting me to serve Liturgy in this church, on this very day when we celebrate our holy Father Nickolas, the Archbishop of Myra Lycia and Wonderworker. In…


Patriarchal Encyclical for Holy Pascha 2019

  + B A R T H O L O M E W By God’s Mercy Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch To the Plenitude of the Church: May the Grace, Peace and Mercy of Christ Risen in Glory…

Андреј Ткачов

Blaise Pascal – In the Heart Dwells a Different Logic, Distinct from the Logic of the Rational Mind

Протојереј Андреј Ткачов If science were to inexorably separate man from God, there would not be a single religious scientist left in the world. And if that same science were to inexorably drive man towards the fear of God and…