
Services and Sacraments

The Third Akathist to the Most Pure, adorned with the presence of the holy archbishops His Eminence Cyril of Imvros and His Eminence Damaskinos of Didymoteichon

There is no human tongue that can express the gratitude the human soul feels towards the Mother of God. She is the Mother of Light, through Whom the Sun of Righteousness came down to Earth and shone forth; the Mother…

Services and Sacraments

Liturgical Splendour in Imbros in Honor of the Church’s Luminary Saint Cyril of Alexandria

The collective celebration in Imbros from two days ago, which was dedicated to the memory of our Holy Father St. Cyril, Archbishop of Alexandria, and to the name day of His Eminence, the Metropolitan of Imbros and Tenedos, Mr. Cyril,…

Services and Sacraments

Monastic Pilgrimage to the Saint-bearing Imbros

"For this place, I always feel that there is something in it that cannot be conveyed, something profound, something very ancient, convincing, and touching. Unable to describe it, I just live it every time I come. It is something essential,…