Ознака:Митрополитот г. Јован


Metropolitans Lukijan of Budim and Jovan of Kruševo – Guests of the Sacred Bigorski Monastery

On this radiant October day, commemorating the memory of the Venerable Andrew the Fool-for-Christ and the Holy Martyrs Cyprian and Justina, our Holy Monastic Community was graced and adorned by the visit of two esteemed hierarchs of the Church of…

Services and Sacraments

Throne Feast of the Krushevo and Demir Hisar Diocese

In the heroic town of Krushevo, nestled within its historic embrace, lies the venerable sanctuary of today’s celebrated saint of God’s Church, the ever-loving Father among the Saints, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia.  The occasion for today’s…