Ознака:Sermon of Archibishop Stephen


Thank you for being who you are, Your Holiness!

Toast by His Beatitude the Archbishop of Ohrid Mr. Mr. Stephen (On Monday of the Holy Spirit, 13.06.2022, during the lunch with the Ecumenical Patriarch, Constantinople) Your Holiness, Brothers and you who have been chosen for this table of love,…


Today a strange miracle happened

Sermon of His Beatitude the Archbishop of Ohrid Mr. Stephen (On Pentecost, 12.06.2022, Holy Patriarchal Church of Saint George the Trophy Bearer, Phanar, Constantinople) On this moment of trembling joy, we remember but also vividly feel - we conform, without…


May You live long, First Apostle of Orthodoxy!

Sermon of His Beatitude Archbishop of Ohrid Mr. Stephen(On the commemoration of St. Ap. Bartholomew and Barnabas, 10.06.2022, at the Patriarchal Cathedral of St. George the Trophy Bearer, Phanar Constantinople) Having celebrated both last night and, behold, today, on the…


May 9th will remain for us a day of spiritual and national commemoration

Homily ofHis Beatitude Archbishop of Ohrid Mr. Stephen(during the Vespers to St. Apostles Bartholomew and Barnabas, 09.06.2022, at the monastery of the Life-giving Fountain - Balaklya, Constantinople) All-Holy and Divine Archbishop of Constantinople, of New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch, Mr.…

Spiritual subjects

The triumph over time and centuries

Sermon of His Beatitude, Archibishop Stephen of Ohrid and Macedonia, during the ceremony of the 1000th jubilee of the Bigorski Monastery, on October 18th, 2020 AD His Beatitude, Archbishop Stephen of Ohrid and Macedonia My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth…