Ознака:St Cyril (Constantine) the Philosopher

Sermons of Bishop Parthenius

Let Us Prove Worthy of the Gift of the Written Word

Sermon of His Grace, Bishop Partenij of Antania, Abbot of the Sacred Bigorski Monastery, Delivered on the Feast of Saints Cyril and Methodius, during the Divine Liturgy at the Bigorski Skete in the village of Bituše, dedicated to them, on…

Sermons of Bishop Parthenius

Christians as missionaries: the testimony of the Holy Brothers

A sermon of His Eminence the Bishop Parthenius of Antania, Elder and Abbot of the Holy Bigorski Monastery, delivered during the Liturgy of the Saints Cyril and Methodius, in the skete dedicated to them, in Bitushe, on the 24th of…


(Video) “On the Trails of Saints Cyril and Methodius”

On the eve of the commemoration of our First Teachers and Founders, the Slavic Enlighteners, Saints Cyril and Methodius of Thessaloniki, a suitable cultural-scientific event titled "On the Trails of Saints Cyril and Methodius" was held yesterday in Skopje, at…

Sermons of Archimandrite Parthenius

The light of the unquenchable lamps

Today my dear ones we have heard from the Holy Gospel how our Lord Jesus Christ teaches the Apostles, and through them all of us, telling them: Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good…

Services and Sacraments

The radiant memory of Ss Cyrill And Methodius

With a dignified festive celebration, our Holy Monasteries and the numerous faithful honoured the memory of the Holy Equal to the Apostles Brothers, Sts Cyril and Methodius, in the Bigorski Skete dedicated to them in Bitushe village.