Ознака:Трет Акатист

Services and Sacraments

(Video) The Vigil of the Akathist – a Sweet, Refreshing Station Before the Week of Passion

"Let every earthly born rejoice spiritually, shining forth; and let the nature of the bodiless minds celebrate, honoring the sacred festival of the Mother of God, and exclaim: Rejoice, O Blessed One, Pure Virgin, Ever-Virgin." Irmos of the Ninth Ode…

Services and Sacraments

The Third Akathist to the Most Pure, adorned with the presence of the holy archbishops His Eminence Cyril of Imvros and His Eminence Damaskinos of Didymoteichon

There is no human tongue that can express the gratitude the human soul feels towards the Mother of God. She is the Mother of Light, through Whom the Sun of Righteousness came down to Earth and shone forth; the Mother…