
Sermons of Bishop Parthenius

Holiness – Our Goal

A sermon of His Grace the Bishop of Antania, Mr. Parthenius, Abbot of the Holy Bigorski Monastery, for the feast of the Introduction of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple, spoken at the Divine Liturgy, during the night vigil…


If it were not for the Most Holy, we would not have had the Church, nor the Saints, nor the salvation

A word by the Very Reverend Archimandrite Fr. Antipas, Elder of the St. Anna skete in Karyes, Mount Athos, for the feast of the Introduction of the Most Holy Theotokos to the Temple, delivered at the end of last night’s…

Services and Sacraments

The Feast of the Presentation, celebrated with a blessing from Mount Athos in the Monastery of the Holy Virgin

If a tree is known by its fruit and if every good tree bears good fruit, how then does the Mother of Goodness herself and the Parent of eternal Beauty, not surpass all earthly and heavenly goods with her incomparable…

Services and Sacraments

Entrance of the Most Holy Theotokos celebrated in the Monastery of the Most Holy Theotokos in Kičevo

How can we not praise and glorify the Most Holy Theotokos, through whom the greatest mysteries of God’s plan for the salvation of man were carried out? Today, as a three-year-old child, she is brought into the Temple at Jerusalem…

Sermons of Bishop Parthenius

The Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple reveals to us the purpose of our existence

A homily by His Grace, Bishop Partenij of Antania, Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Bigorski, on the Feast of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple, given at Divine Liturgy at the Monastery of the Most…