The Celebration of St. Clement in Bigorski

To speak and write about the glorious Miracle-Worker of Ohrid, the Equal-to-the-Apostles and Enlightener, St. Clement, is a noble yet daring endeavor. It calls for us to delve deeply into his holy life and immerse ourselves in the boundless depths of his theological wisdom. Nevertheless, we, who humbly consider ourselves his spiritual children, though unworthy, rejoice in the honor God has bestowed upon us. We offer fervent gratitude for being deemed worthy to extol the unfading light of Ohrid and solemnly proclaim his great works through our humble words.

The Diocese of Devol and Velika, established by St. Clement, became the solid foundation of the Ohrid Archbishopric. As bishop, he strengthened the spiritual life of his flock, vigilantly tending to souls and wisely guiding the clergy and monastics to live in a Christ-like manner. As the first Slavic bishop, he ensured that Slavic liturgical worship took root in our lands. As an educator, he labored tirelessly to establish the first university in the city of Ohrid, where over 3,500 disciples were instructed in the true knowledge of God. Due to his glorious deeds and countless miracles, he was called Archbishop, though not in rank but in works—a spiritual patriarch of the entire people.

Св. Климент Охридски Чудотворец

Working tirelessly in the vineyard of Christ, St. Clement enlightened, educated, and refined the once-ignorant Slavic people. For this reason, his biographer, the Blessed Theophylact of Ohrid, called him “a new Paul among the new Corinthians (i.e., the Slavs)” who “shone with a life adorned by many miracles.”

Thus, the sacred tradition of the Ohrid Archbishopric has cherished and lovingly passed down the veneration of St. Clement from generation to generation. This is why our Church solemnly celebrates his holy memory today, honoring him as its patron, spiritual father, and heavenly protector of our devout people.

The Bigorski Monastery, whose ties with the Ohrid Archbishopric have been unbreakable since its foundation, also celebrated with love the memory of the beloved archpastor, St. Clement the Miracle-Worker. This wondrous new apostle of Christ’s love continues to generously bestow his paternal blessing through the Eucharistic liturgical service of our saint-loving elder and abbot, Bishop Parthenius. Deeply reverent toward the legacy of this Ohrid beacon, he calls St. Clement: “the New Testament Abraham of the Slavic multitude,” “the All-Slavic Patriarch,” “our forefather who bore more spiritual sons and daughters than there are stars in the heavens,” “a new Moses who led our people from the desert of idolatry to the Promised Land of divine knowledge,” and “the Forerunner of Christ’s glory among the Slavs…”