Since we started publishing some of the many miracles of St. John the Baptist that happened through his miraculous Bigorski icon and his holy relics that are kept in the Monastery church, more personal testimonies of the Righteous Forerunner’s miracles have been sent to our e-mail address. We will share some of them now, and at the same time, we ask everyone who has experienced the miraculous power of the icon and the relics of St. John the Baptist in Bigorski Monastery to share their experiences at our email address: We also ask those who have previously given us their testimonies about the miracles of Saint John to send them to us again at the above address, because some of them have been lost, and in the fire of 2009 the notebook in which the miracles were recorded was also burned. Thank you!
St. John heals a woman of a breast tumor
I, Stanche Zdravkovska, was at the Monastery of St. John the Baptist in Bigorski two years ago for the vigil of the Most Holy Theotokos. Earlier, my doctor had discovered an unusual swelling on the left side of my chest, which they thought was most likely a tumor. My doctor recommended that I have surgery on it as soon as possible. The day after the vigil I was supposed to go in for a mammogram. However, when I went to the doctor, who was an expert surgeon, he was amazed when he saw the image of where my tumor was. He told me: “This has never happened to me! There is just nothing left!” I thank Saint John the Baptist and my spiritual father, Bishop Partenij, who prayed for me in front of the wonder-working icon. To God be the glory, amen!”
(Letter received at the Monastery e-mail address on September 5, 2021)
St. John brings two young people together and gives them a child after two years
“Dear brothers of Bigorski Monastery,
On the occasion of the feast of St. John the Baptist and after having read all the accounts of his miracles, we, Goran and Hristina Petrovski, would like to write with special joy as well.
When I first came to the Monastery, I saw and felt the beauty and blessing of St. John, especially after our spiritual father, His Eminence Bp. Partenij, took me under his spiritual guidance. Since then my life changed completely. I started to cast off my old self. It was through the Monastery that I met my wife, whom I had asked St. John the Baptist for before his holy icon in Bigorski.
Three years of married life had passed and we wanted so badly to have a child, but we weren’t able to conceive. Finally, we shared our desire with Bp. Partenij and he prayed for us in front of the icon of Saint John. And behold, the Lord, through the prayers of the Forerunner, granted us to conceive a child and we had a little boy. Out of gratitude to the Forerunner, we baptized him Jovan.
We hope that you will also accept our testimony, which is one of many that is constantly happening and will happen in the Monastery of St. John through his miraculous icon and relics.
Best regards and with love,
Goran, Hristina, and Jovan Petrovski, children of Bigorski”
(Letter received at the monastery email address on September 6, 2021)
St. John delivers a young man from blasphemous thoughts
Dear Bigorski Monastery,
I saw the request on your site for anyone who experienced a miracle at Bigorski to write about it and send it in.
First I have to write a bit of background information because it relates to the specific miracle that happened to me.
In 2007 I was a freshman. I had some interest in religion, and several of my classmates at university were also interested in religion. Then I received a New Testament as a gift. While reading, I came to the verse about blasphemy, about what is forgivable and what is not, that whoever blasphemes the Son of Man will be forgiven, but if anyone blasphemes the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven, neither on earth nor in heaven. I thought that if I had such a thought, it was over for me, and I would not be forgiven. Well, from this arose the question that if I have committed an unforgivable sin, then does that mean that my existence in this world is in vain? I wondered what my existence would be like after committing such a sin.
If I’m not mistaken, somewhere around our third year of study, one pious teacher organized a trip to Bigorski. A priest from Bitola said that it’s no coincidence that the buses to the monastery are filled like this. God just wants us to go there. This professor said to me: “Maybe this is God’s Providence for you!”
The bus was passing through my town. The night before the excursion, an acquaintance of mine found a video on the Internet which glorified the devil. It had a melody that got stuck in my head very strongly. It really left a strong impression on me, like it was saying, “Help, everything is falling apart (the world is falling apart), our last hope is in you… Help or we are finished!”
(I don’t know what language it was in, I looked for it again, but I don’t know which video it was. There was a pentagram in the background with a human body spread out on the points of the pentagram).
So, the song was playing in my head. When we went to Bigorski – I don’t remember if I was taught that when a thought torments me it may not be mine, but rather from the evil one and therefore I shouldn’t worry – when it was my turn to venerate the relics, at that moment I was amazed: the intensity of the thought weakened significantly!!! After that instant miracle, I don’t remember if it still bothered me as much, but I know that it stopped completely in a short time.
I haven’t been to Bigorski since then. Then, when I thought about the excursion and the miracle, I realize that it was God’s Providence.
With respect, N.S.
(Letter received at the monastery email address on September 7, 2021)
Finally, once again we ask all readers that if they witness any miracle, healing, or help from St. John the Baptist, to describe it in detail and send it to us at:, for the testimony and glory of our Great Intercessor before the Throne of God. May his blessing be with you! Thank you!