
Services and Sacraments

In celebration of the name day of His All-Holiness, the Ecumenical Patriarch, at the Monastery of the Life-Giving Fountain – Balaklya

The capital of Orthodoxy, the main city of the once glorious Byzantine Empire, Constantinople, which according to the decision of the holy Ecumenical Councils is the First Throne of Orthodoxy and the dwelling place of the Great Church of Christ,…


Patriarchal Encyclical for Holy Pascha 2023

† B A R T H O L O M E W By God’s Mercy Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch To the Plenitude of the Church: May the Grace, Peace and Mercy of Christ Risen in Glory be…


Today a strange miracle happened

Sermon of His Beatitude the Archbishop of Ohrid Mr. Stephen (On Pentecost, 12.06.2022, Holy Patriarchal Church of Saint George the Trophy Bearer, Phanar, Constantinople) On this moment of trembling joy, we remember but also vividly feel - we conform, without…


May You live long, First Apostle of Orthodoxy!

Sermon of His Beatitude Archbishop of Ohrid Mr. Stephen(On the commemoration of St. Ap. Bartholomew and Barnabas, 10.06.2022, at the Patriarchal Cathedral of St. George the Trophy Bearer, Phanar Constantinople) Having celebrated both last night and, behold, today, on the…


Name day celebration in Constantinople

It was a great honour, glory and joy to attend and participate in the Holy and Divine Liturgy in the all-honourable patriarchal church of St. George the Great Martyr in Phanar, on the occasion of celebrating the name day of…


The Mother Church in Constantinople embraced the Ohrid Archbishopric in unity

Constantinople, the City of the Mother of God, the eye of the world, the capital of the Roman civilization, the New Rome, which watered the whole universe with the Divine teaching and the saving dogmas and enlightened the world with…