Ознака:Bigorski Monastery


“Little Bitola Montmartre” in Bigorski

On the glorious day of the Lord's Ascension, our Monastery became the center of an extraordinary cultural and artistic event – the children's art colony "Little Bitola Montmartre." This artistic manifestation was organized by the president of this international children's…

Press about us

Saint Jovan Bigorski Monastery – Rostushe, North Macedonia – Atlas Obscura

St. John the Baptist's forearm is housed in this remote 11th-century monastery. THE BIGORSKI MONASTERY IS A historic Orthodox monastery located in the western part of North Macedonia, nestled in the mountains of the Mavrovo National Park. Founded in 1020,…


Bigorski Awarded the Order of Merit for the State

The President of the state, Mr. Stevo Pendarovski, awarded the high state honor "Order of Merit for the State" to the Bigorski Monastery. Today, in a particularly solemn and dignified atmosphere at the presidential residence on Vodno, marking the grand…


A reminiscence: 20 years since the re-consecration of the Bigorski Church

Twenty years ago, on this day, day of commemorating St. Martyr Hierotheus of Athens and our Most Revered Father Paul the Simple, happened the holy re-consecration of the Bigorski church dedicated to the Holy Forerunner and Baptist St. John. Three…


The website of Bigorski available in English

  Beloved friends, It is with great joy that we announce, as we promised after the publishing of the Greek language version of our website, that the English version is all set and ready, with God's help. Sharing is caring.…


The volume “Bigorski Monastery. 20 Years Jubilee of Revived Monasticism” in digital version

Dear friends, We inform you that recently we published on our website the English version of the volume "Bigorski Monastery. 20 Years Jubilee of Revived Monasticism" - a large work in which you can read more about the Monastery, its…