

Book Launch: “Only Love You Spread, Christ”

In an atmosphere of immediate joy and pure Paschal exclamations, expressed through children's smiles and delight, the launch of the Easter collection of children's poems, titled "Only Love You Spread, Christ," took place yesterday. The collection of Easter works, which…


Multicultural and Multireligious Educational Meetings in the Miyak’s Region

Within the framework of the monastic social-educational mission in the Mijak region, with the blessing of our Elder, Bishop of Antania Mr. Partenij, abbot of the Bigorski Monastery, recently in the beautiful environment of the fully renovated dining room at…

Christmas Eve Procession

The Shepherd Boy’s Joy

Once again, the night spread its starry blanket. In a field near Bethlehem, ten-year-old shepherd boy Samuel watched the stars rise. Every night, he stayed there, watching over his flock, as did the other shepherds. Today, one of his little…


Ethics in Religions Must Remain a Part of the Educational System

Organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, in close collaboration with the Association of Professors of Ethics in Religions, a Panel Discussion was held on the theme: "The New Reality in Schools – Creating Opportunities through Innovation and Digital Solutions." The…


The First Christmas Play in Our Country

"The Most Beautiful Gift for Christmas" – The First Christmas Play in Our Country In the joyful ambiance of the pre-Christmas days, the youngest residents of Skopje had a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the holiday of the Nativity…


A German school donated Christmas presents for children to the Bigorski monastery

At the threshold of the great feast of Divine peace and angelic joy – The Nativity of Christ, the Schuelerhort Comenisschule school from Hanover, Germany, donated around 30 Christmas presents for children to our holy monastery. The Head of the school,…