Ознака:Ерусалимска Патријаршија


Meeting with the Acting Ambassador of North Macedonia in the State of Israel

During the pilgrimage in the Holy Land, our Elder, Bishop of Antania Mr. Partenij, today in Jerusalem met with the Acting Ambassador of the Republic of North Macedonia to the State of Israel, His Excellency Mr. Maciej Kaczorowski. At the…

Services and Sacraments

(video) Panorthodox celebration of the Holy Cross in the city of Jerusalem

Come, ye, people, beholding the glorious miracle, to venerate the power of the cross because the heavenly tree caused death and this flourished with life, having the immaculate Lord crucified on it. Being endowed by Him with incorruptibility we exclaim…

Services and Sacraments

Historical co-celebration of Liturgy at Golgotha in Jerusalem

Truly holy and most festive is this redemptive night, and the brightest of all, announcing the light-bearing day of the Resurrection; in it, the incarnated eternal Light blazed forth from the grave. Many o Lord My God are thy wonderful…