Ознака:Love for the neighbour

Spiritual subjects

Why Do Christians Lose Love?

Christianity is the religion of love. God reveals Himself to the world as Love. Christianity is sacrificial love. Here, God establishes the principle of eternal existence through love, by offering Himself as a sacrifice. Before this mystery—God’s crucifixion for the…

Spiritual subjects

Don’t hate the sinner

Don’t hate the sinner, because we are all more or less guilty. And if you accidentally, for the grace of God, turn against him, you better mourn him. And why do you hate him? Maybe you hate his sins? But…

Spiritual subjects

We have only one enemy – ourselves

Enemies and opponents in spiritual life do not exist. We have only one enemy, and that is  - ourselves. We suffer from one disease - our egoism. Fighting against egoism, slowly we build an atmosphere of humbleness within us. Egoism…

Bigorski Monastery

A “strange” pilgrimage to a hidden diamond of Orthodoxy

Dear readers, We are releasing a certain text which a pilgrim from Greece, a young theologian, sent to us and shared on his Facebook profile, after his recent visit to our Monastery. In this text he reveals his impressions from…

Services and Sacraments

The heavenly door which opened to us the doors of Paradise

The memory of this wonderful miracle, transformed into a whole night vigil in honour of the icon “It is Truly Meet”, and praise towards the Mother of God for her mercy that emanates from this miraculous image of hers, invited…

Sermons of Archimandrite Parthenius

The heavenly door which opened the Doors of Paradise to us

Sermon of the Most Reverend Archimandrite Parthenius, said at the beginning of the vigil in honour of the icon of Most Holy Theotokos - "It is Truly Meet"     Good evening to all of you, my dear and I…