Ознака:Most Holy Theotokos

Services and Sacraments

The Meeting of the Lord at the Monastery of the Most Pure (Prechista)

Today, the Elder Simeon comes forth to receive the fulfillment of the promise given to him from eternity; today, his eyes, which have witnessed human suffering and the darkness of affliction, behold the Light that has illumined and delivered the…

Sermons of Bishop Parthenius

The Incarnate Love in Bethlehem

A Sermon by His Grace, Bishop Parthenius of Antania, Abbot of the Holy Bigorski Monastery, delivered during the Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Nativity of Christ Today, my beloved, is truly a great day, filled with ineffable grace.…

Services and Sacraments

Easter Reflections at the Monastery of Prechista Kichevska on Bright Friday – Life-giving Spring

The serene beauty of the Monastery of the Most Holy Mother of God Prechista Kichevska was filled with grateful prayers and hymns of praise today. Bright Friday is truly a day of spiritual radiance at Prechista. The commemoration of the…

Services and Sacraments

(Video) The Vigil of the Akathist – a Sweet, Refreshing Station Before the Week of Passion

"Let every earthly born rejoice spiritually, shining forth; and let the nature of the bodiless minds celebrate, honoring the sacred festival of the Mother of God, and exclaim: Rejoice, O Blessed One, Pure Virgin, Ever-Virgin." Irmos of the Ninth Ode…

Services and Sacraments

(Video) Annunciation Joy in the Most Pure Monastery

The liturgical brilliance of the Annunciation celebration crowned at dawn the all-night prayer vigil before the Mother of Life. The festive ringing of the bells once again gathered the faithful in the heavenly realm of the Most Pure Monastery. Soon,…

Services and Sacraments

(Video) The Mystical Radiance of the Annunciation at the Festive Vigil in the Most Pure Monastery of Kichevo

The Holy Annunciation! The most beautiful tidings ever received by humanity! The greatest joy brought to us by the Angel, due to the humility of the Virgin, Who with Her “be it unto me” brought God down to Earth, initiating…