As we approach the ineffable mystery of the Nativity, when the Christ Child was born hidden from the world in a humble cave to bring us all the joy of salvation, our homes should be lit up with decorations worthy of welcoming this most holy and saving Nativity. Our homes should reflect the humble image of the Bethlehem cave, proclaiming to everyone what happened more than 2000 years ago on that quiet Christmas night.
That is why, at the request of God-loving Christians, and with the blessing of our most beloved Elder, Bishop Partenij of Antania, this year the sisterhood of the Holy Monastery of Rajčica has tried to respond to the ever-increasing demand for traditional Christmas decorations in the form of the Bethlehem cave, decorated in a traditional style with an icon of the Nativity of Christ and a vigil lamp, thus allowing everyone to enhance their home’s Christmas atmosphere in the spirit of our Orthodox tradition.
As in previous years, you can order our handmade Christmas caves from Sister Filoteja by calling or sending a message to the following phone number: +389 75 245 791 . May the joy of Christmas come into every Orthodox home!