Metropolitans Lukijan of Budim and Jovan of Kruševo – Guests of the Sacred Bigorski Monastery

On this radiant October day, commemorating the memory of the Venerable Andrew the Fool-for-Christ and the Holy Martyrs Cyprian and Justina, our Holy Monastic Community was graced and adorned by the visit of two esteemed hierarchs of the Church of God: His Eminence, Metropolitan Lukijan of Budim and Administrator of Timișoara, and His Eminence, Metropolitan Jovan of Kruševo and Demir Hisar.

Since this was the first visit of Metropolitan Lukijan to our Monastery, a formal monastic welcome, known as ipodohí, was arranged in his honor. The esteemed guests were warmly greeted by the Elder of the Monastic Community, His Grace, Bishop Partenij of Antania, who, following the prescribed hymns and mnogaletie (prayer for many years) in the church, extended a heartfelt welcome to the two hierarchs, expressing his joy and honor with the following words:

“Your Eminence, Lukijan,

It is a special honor for us that today, together with our much-respected and beloved brother, His Eminence, Metropolitan Jovan, you have come to visit our Holy Monastic Community, to venerate this ancient and venerable Sanctuary and to seek God’s blessing on our behalf. Whenever a bishop visits a monastery, it signifies glory and great blessing for the monastery – a visitation from Christ Himself. Therefore, we extend to you a warm welcome and ask that you feel entirely at home.”

In response, Metropolitan Lukijan expressed his admiration for the visit to the Bigorski Monastery:

“Thank you for the greeting and your kind words, brother in Christ, Bishop Partenij! I also thank your archbishop, as well as my brother in Christ, Metropolitan Jovan, for bringing me to this Sanctuary, which I have long wished to see and which is renowned far and wide. Many have said to me: ‘Go and see how beautiful the Monastery of St. John Bigorski is. It is truly wonderful.’ But in truth, I could not have imagined just how grand, beautiful, and significant this Sanctuary is, nor how deeply revered.

Those who built this Sanctuary long ago must have been prophets, as though foreseeing the time we now live in, when faith in the world grows ever dimmer. Europe has become a cradle of atheism, with Christianity increasingly fading away. I am reminded of the words of the Gospel: ‘You are the light of the world. You are the salt of the earth.’ This Sanctuary is of utmost importance, especially today. The people, thirsty for faith and hungry for the bread of heaven, can come here to nourish their souls and bodies, drawing strength from the grace found in this holy place.

When you enter a mill, some flour inevitably clings to you; likewise, when you come to St. John Bigorski, you are sure to receive a measure of divine grace. How much prayer rises up from this place! How much incense! How many tears! All of this ascends to God, year after year, century after century, from the moment this ancient Sanctuary was founded.

Today, this place is an oasis – not only for the surrounding region but for the entire world. It is one of the final pillars holding up Christianity and Orthodoxy.


It brings me joy to see the brotherhood here, together with you, Father and spiritual shepherd, who leads a flock that prays for all and for everything. Here, the oil lamps burn continuously, and the bells ring daily – all ascending to the heavenly throne of the Holy Trinity, to the Mother of God, and to the protector of this Sacred Community.

We had the opportunity to visit the Rajčica Monastery as well, which we follow closely on social media, and we rejoice to see that yet another Sanctuary has been restored in this land of Macedonia, a land suffused with incense and prayers from the time of the Apostles, through the labors of Saints Cyril and Methodius, down to the Five Enlighteners.

May God grant you all many blessed years. Mnogaja ljeta!

Following this heartfelt exchange, the honored hierarchs and their esteemed entourage were given the opportunity to explore more of the monastic life and offerings. During their tour, they were personally accompanied by the Elder of the Monastery, Bishop Partenij.