With triumphant joy the Holy Church celebrates the glorious Prophet and zealous messenger of our Lord in the Old Testament Elijah, whose heart burned with great love for God. Together with him we praise his co-celebrants and followers – the three Holy Martyrs of Prechista Monastery Evnuvius, Paisius and Averkius, who gathered a great multitude of faithful in the Holy Prechista monastery of our heavenly Empress Theotokos. Here the festive Liturgy was served by our beloved Bishop, Metropolitan Timothy.
Our Elder, Archimandrite Parthenius on the other hand, patriotically celebrated this great holiday in the revival village Lazaropole, where in the Church dedicated to the Holy Great Martyr George – a unique monument of the once great faith and revival spirit, he served the Holy Eucharist.
Somewhat latter the Ilinden triumph transferred to the Bigorski Monastery, where according to the tradition an especial ceremony called Doxology took place. With great eagerness Fr. Parthenius and his fraternity, accompanied by the present faithful prayed to our Lord “for eternal memory and blessed repose of all the fighters who have died for our faith and Homeland, especially during the Ilinden Uprising”.
May St. Elijah endow with Christian zeal and love all those who lead us, and may he safeguard our country and Church till the end of time. Amen!