In the region where the majestic peak of Mount Krchin begins to rise powerfully, amidst the beautiful greenery, the mountain fragrance, and the roaring waters rushing steeply towards the radiant Radika River, today the heavenly blessing of the Holy Slavonic Enlighteners, the Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, abundantly descended upon the liturgical assembly in the temple and skete built in their honor, through the prayers, efforts, and dedication of our beloved Elder, His Grace Bishop Parthenius of Antania.
The numerous faithful, along with the monks and nuns of the Bishop, who zealously and lovingly ascended to an altitude of 1250 meters, first welcomed the icon of Saints Cyril and Methodius, and then the Elder, who initiated the festive celebration and presided over the Holy and Divine Liturgy. After the conclusion of the service, which included festive wheat and the blessing of water, traditional dances and songs accompanied by folk instruments followed.
The blessed memory of our Enlighteners, Saints Cyril and Methodius, represents for us a treasure for our souls, an open embrace of God, enlightenment, and uncreated, heavenly, Divine light. On this day, we celebrate God’s illumination upon us, who sent us these giants of spirit and intellect, leading us to the knowledge of God.
Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Brothers, Cyril and Methodius, bless us who honor you with love and intercede for the enlightenment of our souls!