Monasticism – The Second Baptism and Path to Eternal Glory

Address by His Eminence, Metropolitan of Debar and Kičevo, Timotej, during the monastic tonsure of Nun Thekla at the Holy Monastery of Prechista in Kičevo, on the 20th of September, Year of Our Lord 2024

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!

Dear brothers and sisters,

Allow me this evening, within this holy sanctuary of ours, to share a few thoughts and messages directed toward our newly tonsured sister in the lesser schema, Thekla. The Holy Orthodox Church honors and values the acceptance of monasticism as an angelic rank. The Holy Church exalts monasticism to such heights because monastics, through their spiritual struggles, resemble the bodiless angels. And as such, they are called to be in unceasing communion with God through prayer, much like the Cherubim and Seraphim.

When novices are tonsured, they are deemed worthy of this high and angelic rank and honor. However, even greater honor awaits them in heaven, where they will be deemed worthy of a special Divine glory. Many of the lives of God’s saints bear witness to this truth. When they decided to embark on the monastic path, their parents, just as today, often disagreed. Yet, some were granted visions of indescribable abodes, surpassing all heavenly dwellings, prepared solely for those who embrace monasticism. After such visions, most parents gave their blessings and consent for their children to follow the monastic path.

However, while pointing to the great angelic honor of the monastic struggle, the Holy Church does not conceal the difficulties of this path. Therefore, we would like to underscore the vows you have taken this evening. You have made vows of fasting, chastity, obedience, patience, poverty, and enduring every hardship unto death—vows you have offered to the Church during your tonsure. All of this occurs before the invisible presence of God Himself, His Most Holy Mother, and the holy angels. The Holy Church does not hide from you the arduous and difficult path you are called to walk in your monastic and virginal life. It is no coincidence that St. Paul the Apostle says: “All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution” (2 Tim. 3:12). People of this world, in their carnal, graceless, and anti-Christian reasoning, not only fail to understand monasticism but often underestimate this great struggle, which is the most honorable life before God. Yet, no matter how heavy the burden of this struggle may be, remember that at your tonsure today, you have received from God the extraordinary and great grace of the Holy Spirit, that Divine power for courageously persevering in the monastic struggle you have undertaken. Therefore, the Holy Church regards tonsuring into monasticism as a second baptism, as testified by many of the lives of saints and reflected in the monastic rite itself.

This great grace has been given to you as well, Sister Thekla. It will protect you from all the snares of the devil and from all his assaults. This grace will fill your soul day and night with joy. It will always and everywhere be with you. Only do not trample within yourself the resolve to always serve Christ with fear and joy, to always be with Him, and never to depart from Him—neither in deed, nor word, nor thought. The Mother of God will be with you, in whose monastery you take your monastic vows, and especially your heavenly patroness, whose name you bear.

Wear the angelic rank for the glory of the angels, and for the defeat of the demons!
