
Visit from the U.S. Embassy to the Bigorski Monastery

Today, at the Sacred Bigorski Monastery, an important meeting took place with representatives from the Embassy of the United States of America in Skopje. The esteemed guests, Mr. Matthew Flannes, Political Counselor, and Mr. Mitko Burchevski, Political Analyst at the Embassy, were received by our Elder, His Grace, Bishop Parthenius of Antania. The discussion covered…

High-Ranking Diplomatic Guests Visit Bigorski Monastery

Today, on the commemoration of the Dormition of our Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Father, Enlightener, and Teacher Saint Cyril the Philosopher, the Sacred Bigorski Monastery had the honor of welcoming the ambassadors of five friendly nations: H.E. Mr. Denion Metdani, Ambassador of the Republic of Albania; H.E. Mr. Paolo Palminteri, Ambassador of the Republic of Italy; H.E.…

Announcement on the Typikon of the Forgiveness Sunday Vespers

From the very beginning of the past week, which is also called the "Vestibule of Repentance," "Forefeast of Abstinence," or "Preparatory Week of the Holy Fast," the Holy Orthodox Church has, through its divine services, continuously called for heartfelt repentance—a repentance that brings forgiveness of sins and thus opens the gates to true fasting. The…

Visit and Concelebration on the Sunday of the Prodigal Son

On this second preparatory Sunday before the Honorable and Great Fast, the Holy Church presents to us one of the most sublime and comforting parables of Christ—the story of the Prodigal Son and the Merciful Father. This divine narrative of fall and repentance, human weakness, and the boundless love of the Heavenly Father is a…

The Meeting of the Lord at the Monastery of the Most Pure (Prechista)

Today, the Elder Simeon comes forth to receive the fulfillment of the promise given to him from eternity; today, his eyes, which have witnessed human suffering and the darkness of affliction, behold the Light that has illumined and delivered the new Israel; today, the frailty of Simeon’s aged and fading years receives in his trembling…

Visit from the U.S. Embassy

Today, representatives from the U.S. Embassy in Macedonia, Mr. Zeus Sevilla and Mr. Mitko Burchevski, visited the Sacred Bigorski Monastery. The guests were officially received by the Abbot of the Monastery, His Grace, Bishop Partenij of Antania, in the presence of Archimandrites Dositej and Kiril. During the visit, discussions were held regarding the current state…