Ознака:Bigorski choir

Services and Sacraments

(Video) The Name Day of Elder Bishop Pаrtenij with Great Blessings

What words of gratitude can a human mouth express for Him who, through His holy Apostles, has given us spiritual fatherhood, saying, "He who hears you, hears Me," and in our time, has given us a spiritually rich parent and…


The most famous choir for Eastern Orthodox singing, ‘Tropos,’ on a visit to Bigorski

With an invitation and blessing from our beloved Elder, Bishop Partenij of Antaniski, members of one of the most renowned and best choirs for Eastern Orthodox church singing, "Tropos" from Athens, led by the respected and skilled choir director and…

Services and Sacraments

Participation of the Bigorski choir at the Liturgy in the temple of St. Panteleimon in Athens

The Catholic Church of Athens dedicated to the Holy Annunciation of the Most Holy Mother of God, a monumental temple of the Orthodox Church in Greece, a place of many sacred services, important events and anniversaries, last night was the…


Presentation of the Bigorski choir in Athens

The Catholic Church of Athens dedicated to the Holy Annunciation of the Most Holy Mother of God, a monumental temple of the Orthodox Church in Greece, a place of many sacred services, important events and anniversaries, last night was the…