Ознака:Ecumenical Councils

Services and Sacraments

In celebration of the name day of His All-Holiness, the Ecumenical Patriarch, at the Monastery of the Life-Giving Fountain – Balaklya

The capital of Orthodoxy, the main city of the once glorious Byzantine Empire, Constantinople, which according to the decision of the holy Ecumenical Councils is the First Throne of Orthodoxy and the dwelling place of the Great Church of Christ,…


Constantinople – the symbol of Christian greatness and a message of repentance

Today the crown of the earthly kingdom has been surrendered by the King of all cities, succumbed to torment the city of the Mother of God, Constantine’s treasure, is purified by fire and a garland shining with glory from the…

Spiritual subjects

A slightly different approach to the Ukrainian issue

Lately there have been many things written about the Ukrainian autocephaly, most of them by the Russian Church, which seemed to have mobilized its entire communication system in order to persuade the Orthodox world that it has the right. But,…

Spiritual subjects

“By denying the Ecumenical Patriarchate, you deny the source of your existence”

A few hours ago (14th September 2018), the Synod of the Moscow Patriarchy declared its decision to cease mentioning the name of the Ecumenical Patriarch during the Divine Liturgy, and consequently, the co-serving with the clergy of the Ecumenical Throne.…