Ознака:Martyrs of Prechista

Services and Sacraments

Pashal Lythany at the Prechista Monastery – a blessing from the Heavenly Empress

Just like in the Divine services, where every chant ends with the praise of the One who is the reason for our salvation, this Holy Pashal week is also crowned with the holiday of the purest Theotokos, called The Life-Giving…

Services and Sacraments

Paschal feast of the Martyrs of Prechista Monastery

The triumphant and radiant Paschal astonishment blended today with the joyful celebration of the memory of the Prechista Monastery Martyrs, Sts. Evnuvius, Paisius, and Averkius. The Paschal rejoicing od the monastic choirs, the luxurious flower garlands that embellished the miraculous…