
Services and Sacraments

Grand Celebration of the Commemoration of Saint John Vladimir in Albania

This past Monday and Tuesday, on June 3rd and 4th, in the peaceful village of Shijon, near Elbasan, Albania, Orthodox clergy and believers from several countries, including Albania, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Montenegro, gathered in large numbers to commemorate the…

Services and Sacraments

(Video) The Mystical Radiance of the Annunciation at the Festive Vigil in the Most Pure Monastery of Kichevo

The Holy Annunciation! The most beautiful tidings ever received by humanity! The greatest joy brought to us by the Angel, due to the humility of the Virgin, Who with Her “be it unto me” brought God down to Earth, initiating…

Sermons of Bishop Parthenius

The Annunciation – A Call to Faith in God’s Providence and to Charity

Address by His Grace Bishop Partenij of Antania, Abbot of the Holy Bigorski Monastery, at the beginning of the prayer vigil for the Feast of the Annunciation at the Monastery of the Most Pure in Kichevo, on March 24 /…

Services and Sacraments

Solemn Celebration of the Synaxis of Saint John the Baptist

An angel in the body and a heavenly man. A dweller of the wilderness and a citizen of Heaven. Sent by God to prepare a worthy people, to make straight His paths, to call the nation to repentance. The greatest…

Services and Sacraments

Throne Feast of the Krushevo and Demir Hisar Diocese

In the heroic town of Krushevo, nestled within its historic embrace, lies the venerable sanctuary of today’s celebrated saint of God’s Church, the ever-loving Father among the Saints, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia.  The occasion for today’s…

Services and Sacraments

The Feast of the Presentation, celebrated with a blessing from Mount Athos in the Monastery of the Holy Virgin

If a tree is known by its fruit and if every good tree bears good fruit, how then does the Mother of Goodness herself and the Parent of eternal Beauty, not surpass all earthly and heavenly goods with her incomparable…