Ознака:St. George the Triumphant

Services and Sacraments

The Glory of the Lord’s Cross in Rajcica

The celebrations in honor of the Exaltation of the Precious and Life-giving Cross of the Lord reached their culmination in the sacred Monastery of the Holy Great Martyr and Trophy-bearer George in Rajcica, during the divine liturgical assembly, presided over…


(Video) Young Folk Dancers at the Knezinski Monastery

Bright Week, the blessed Eighth Day of the Resurrection, concludes its calendar cycle for this year but continues to shine brightly upon the faithful with the eternal dawn of the Eschaton. In the light of its rays, today, on Bright…

Services and Sacraments

(Video) Triumphant Paschal Procession in Struga

The paschal celebration of the most holy and radiant night, which was doubled the next day in Rajčica, in the glorious Monastery of the Trophy-Bearer with the commemoration of his illustrious memory, yesterday moved to the beautiful town of Struga.…

Services and Sacraments

(Video) Vespers of Love and Saint George

How close to the soul are the Resurrection of Christ and the commemoration of Saint George the Great Martyr and Trophy-Bearer! Indeed, every time we remember Saint George, we are filled with the resurrectional feeling from his miraculous life, which…

Services and Sacraments

Mystical Liturgical Encounter with the Preacher of Grace

Filled with grace and jubilation from yesterday's radiant welcome of the venerable and miraculous icon of Saint George the Great Martyr, our hearts today continued with spiritual celebration and exaltation at the Monastery of the Victorious One in Rajčica, commemorating…


We Thank You, Holy Bishop, for the Gift of Saint George!

Response of Abbess Kassiana of the Monastery of Saint George the Victorious in Rajčica, during the solemn reception of the venerable and miraculous Icon of the Great Martyr, on March 17/30, 2024, Year of Our Savior Your Grace, Holy Bishop…