Joyful Fellowship with Service Users from the City of Skopje from the Association “Poraka – Negotino”

To our great delight, and by the blessing and invitation of our Elder, Bishop Partenij, we were honored to spend a day in fellowship with service users from the city of Skopje from the association “Poraka – Negotino.” The desire of these pure souls was motivated by their mutual fellowship to spend a day in our spiritual sanctuary, to spiritually acquaint themselves with the more significant aspects of our faith and to pray with their warm souls.

Upon their arrival, they were greeted by the love and embraces of our Elder, who blessed them and wished them to feel good during their stay in the monastery. The love from their warm hearts and that of our Elder built bridges of God’s love during that blessed meeting. With gentle smiles on their faces, they thanked him for the blessing and hospitality. Following this joyful meeting that enriched and cheered the monastery courtyard, these dear souls headed to the church of the Lord’s Forerunner, where our brother, Hieromonk Efrosinij, introduced them to the basics of our faith. During the communal fellowship in the monastery’s guesthouse, alongside tea and coffee, they were honored by the love from our brothers. At that moment, it seemed that in whomever you looked, you were submerged in the love in their eyes. At the end of the visit, their wish was to take a photo with the Elder and Abbot of the monastery, Bishop Partenij, as a memento of a beautiful event they will not forget.

This was their second visit to our spiritual Sanctuary, led by the director of the association “Poraka – Negotino” from Negotino, Gordana Trajkovska, and the social worker Andon Dimovski, made possible and supported by the “City of Skopje” and JSP.

They also carried the joy back to their home in Volkovo, and their hearts, which only spread love, shared that joy and experience with the users from Negotino, expressing a wish for them to visit the monastery in the future.

May our merciful Christ God continue to dwell in their warm hearts.