Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty – says the divine Apostle Paul (2 Corinthians 3, 17), freedom in love, unity and knowledge in Christ. Thus, this very Spirit unites all the faithful in one huge family of Christ, with strong spiritual ties and inner familiarity, no matter how distant they might be. So, around ten days ago, the Holy Spirit of God brought joy to our monastic family with the visit of our two brother monks, Fr. John and Fr. Ephraim, from the old Lebanese Monastery of the Most Holy Theotokos – Hamatoura. Our precious guests and brothers in Christ from Lebanon arrived with the blessing of their most respected Elder, the Very Reverent Archimandrite Panteleimon, well known for his generosity and love for all. Accompanied by Mr. Daniele Koleski, a spiritual child of our Monastery, they came first to the Prechista Monastery near Kichevo, where they took part in the Divine service and with their wonderful chanting enriched the monastic tonsure ceremony of the nuns Pelagia and Fevronia, as well as the festive Liturgy for the holiday of the Birth of Theotokos the next day. Afterwards these two Lebanese brothers spent a few days as guests in our monasteries Bigorski and Rajchica, participating in the divine services with their prayers and angelic voices.
We enclose five short videos where you can hear the amazing prayerful chanting of our brothers from Hamatoura. We are so grateful for their Evangelical love!

1. Благослови, душе моja, Господа… (Псалм 102)
2. Хвали Душе Моја Господа (Псалм 145)
3. Иже Херувими (Херувимска Песна)
4. Достојно ест
5. Причесен