Concelebration and Communion in Didymoteicho in the Spirit of Unity in Christ

With the blessing of our esteemed hierarch, His Eminence, Metropolitan of Debar and Kichevo, Mr. Timotej, our Elder, His Grace, Bishop Parthenios of Antania, together with the Archimandrites of the Ecumenical Throne, Kiril and Anatoliy, and the monk Philaret, were guests for several days of the renowned hierarch known throughout the Orthodox world, His Eminence, Metropolitan of Didymoteicho, Orestiada, and Soufli, Mr. Damaskinos.

After the warm reception on Friday by their gracious host, the Elder and the brothers were blessed with the opportunity to venerate the greatest holy sites of the easternmost diocese of the Church of Greece and to become acquainted with the most significant churches and places in the three cities under the spiritual guidance of Holy Didymoteicho.

On Saturday, the eve of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos (according to the reformed Orthodox calendar), in the Holy Monastery of Dadia, dedicated precisely to this salvific event, our bishop was honored to preside over the festive Vespers service. In addition to him and the local hierarch, the revered His Grace, Bishop Athenagoras of Nazianzus, hierarch of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and Secretary of the Eparchial Synod of the Archdiocese of America, prayerfully co-presided at Vespers.

At the conclusion of the Vespers service, Metropolitan Damaskinos expressed his gratitude to both visiting hierarchs, noting the following about our Elder: “It is a great blessing for us, dear brothers and sisters, that with the blessing of His All-Holiness, our Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, with whom we had the opportunity to meet a few days ago, to converse and receive his blessing in Constantinople during the works of the Hierarchy of the Ecumenical Throne, today we have the joy and honor of hosting two chosen and much-beloved brothers: His Grace, Bishop Parthenios of Antania, Abbot of the Holy Monastery of the Honorable Forerunner in Bigorski from the Holy Archdiocese of Ohrid in North Macedonia, and His Grace, Bishop Athenagoras of Nazianzus from America, who is originally from this area. Bishop Parthenios is distinguished for his pastoral and social work in a region that in many ways shares many common elements with ours, as it is an area where the majority of the population is of a different faith. Under such conditions, he has successfully developed an Orthodox presence in that particular setting. He has established spiritual centers, four monasteries—one for men and three for women—under his spiritual guidance. Above all, together with other hierarchs, he works to strengthen the spiritual bond of the Holy Archdiocese of Ohrid with the Ecumenical Patriarchate.”

Metropolitan Damaskinos also emphasized that “The Most Holy Theotokos is present to unite us, to bring our Orthodox peoples together, to draw us closer to one another, and to bring us all together closer to Christ, our Savior and Redeemer… We must realize that the unity of the Orthodox Churches is something greater than the unity of nations.”

Following this, he gave the floor to our Elder, Bishop Parthenios, who, with great affection, responded to his greeting and expanded on the essential need for unity among Orthodox brethren.

“Confess the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy endures forever. Who can declare the mighty acts of the Lord, or make all His praises known?”

Your Eminence, beloved and holy Metropolitan of Didymoteicho, Orestiada, and Soufli, Mr. Damaskinos,

Your Grace, beloved and holy Bishop of Nazianzus, Mr. Athenagoras,

Most Reverend and holy Abbot of this Sacred Monastery of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos – Dadia, Mr. Theophilos,

Reverend Fathers,

Beloved brothers and sisters, humble pilgrims of the Mother of God,

Echoing the words of the Divine Psalmist with spiritual exultation, and with the deepest respect and immense gratitude, in humility and love, we address you, expressing our gratitude and even more—our admiration for the honor bestowed upon us—to be invited to partake with you in this sacred assembly on the occasion of the Nativity of our Theotokos.

Indeed, it is a sacred honor for us to serve together with you, Holy Bishop of Didymoteicho, in this holy monastery sheltered by the Theotokos, and also in this radiant and God-protected Metropolis as a whole, where your vigilant paternal shepherding and apostolic devotion to the Church yield abundant fruits of evangelical love and unity in Christ. We rejoice in the honor of being in your presence, and at this moment, we clearly understand Peter’s words at the Transfiguration: “It is good for us to be here.” Aware of the great work you are accomplishing as an untiring laborer in the Lord’s vineyard, as an unwavering advocate for truth, diligently striving for proper and sound ecclesiology and for the establishment of harmony and fraternal concord among Orthodox Christians and local Churches, we bow before you with respect and admiration.

We remember with particular gratitude your efforts and works, carefully and lovingly performed during the difficult period when our Church was in total isolation. When many refused to even look towards us, showing us the coldness of ignorance, you demonstrated active fraternal love and determination, extending a hand to us in our time of need. It is of great significance that you were among those who worked tirelessly for the restoration of full unity within the Church.

Your elevated ecclesiastical consciousness, accompanied by tireless efforts and labors during this time of strong turbulence and challenges, is of immense value to all. You are one of the most vocal advocates and laborers for the truth that genuine unity in the Church is something achieved through sacrifice and obedience to the Holy Canons and to Sacred Tradition, which speak of the necessary respect and unity around the First Throne of Orthodoxy, the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Your work, carried out with apostolic thought and in accordance with the Fathers, reminds us that the Church of Christ is not governed by the spirit of worldly dominion and power, but by the spirit of self-sacrificial love. And love is born in the manger of mutual respect and in responsibility toward the Tradition of the Church, in standing firm in the truth.

This evening, we stand together in this venerable church of the Holy Theotokos, with deep gratitude and joy, to celebrate the great feast of the Nativity of Our Most Holy Lady, the Theotokos. This radiant feast, this dawn of a new and mysterious Day, reminds us of the miracle of Divine Providence and the power of obedience and humility. For this is the feast of mankind’s response to God’s call. Just as the Most Holy Virgin, through her parents—Righteous Joachim and Anna—with humility and obedience, accepted God’s plan for the salvation of the world, so too are we called to respond to God’s call, with humility and trust in His divine Providence.

The Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos is the event that begins the renewal of human nature and the path toward deification. Through the birth of the Pure Virgin, God prepares a worthy vessel for the incarnation of His Son and initiates the beginning of the new creation. She, as immaculate and sinless, carries within her the renewal of our essence. The Nativity we celebrate today is the forerunner of what the Wisdom and Word of God will accomplish through His incarnation, suffering, and resurrection—the potential for the complete deification of humanity.

We serve today near the historic site of the famous Battle of Maritsa, one of the decisive events that brought profound changes to the fate of the Balkan Christians. As historical records testify, although vastly outnumbering the Ottomans, the Christians suffered a bitter defeat. This did not occur due to a lack of strength, but rather by divine allowance, owing to the discord and internal division among the Orthodox brethren. This historical lesson, although distant in time, remains relevant today and should serve as a prompt and reminder that only through unity and mutual love can we endure and present ourselves to the world as the disciples of Him who gave us a new commandment: “Love one another; as I have loved you, so you also must love one another” (John 13:34). As history bears witness, not only during the time of the Battle of Maritsa but also in many other instances, division among Christians has led to downfall and misfortune.

Even today, just as in those distant times, Christians face temptations and challenges, especially the greatest problem—division and the disregard for the ancient order in the Church, established by the Holy Fathers and Sacred Tradition. Therefore, in light of this historical experience, it is necessary to continually uphold and defend the faith that has been passed down to us through great sacrifices and struggles, and to strive for spiritual renewal, not allowing ourselves to be overtaken by the temptations of discord and disobedience, worldly power, and personal interests. For the true spirit of our patristic heritage does not lie in external political structures, but in fidelity to the Orthodox faith and way of life, which our Holy Fathers have handed down to us.

As heirs to this precious spiritual legacy, we are called to remain faithful to the unity and love that have adorned our Holy Church from time immemorial, even unto the present day, to the Saints whom we have encountered. And just as the Most Holy Theotokos undertook the labor of motherhood for the entire world, so too are we, primarily the sacred clergy of the Church, called to bear the responsibility of preserving her order, her spiritual structure, always remembering that the Word of God “purchased her with His own precious blood.”

With these thoughts and wishes, we once again wish to express our gratitude for the honor bestowed upon us to be part of this festive celebration. May God grant you, Holy Bishop of Didymoteicho, a long life, strong health, and grace-filled strength, so that you may continue for many years with your tireless archpastoral ministry. You are an inspiration to all of us, and through your testimony of love and obedience to the Church, with your extraordinary magnanimity and enlightenment, you remind us of the true nature of our service in the body of Christ.

We have the honor to convey the heartfelt fraternal greetings and best wishes of our esteemed His Eminence, Metropolitan Timotej of Debar and Kichevo, by whose blessing we are present here.

We also extend our warmest wishes and prayers to all of you gathered here, praying that the Most Holy Theotokos will protect and bless you, and always guide you in your personal ascents toward Christ. May her grace and protection be with you and the faithful people of this diocese, and may she strengthen our common witness to Christ’s love and unity.

Thank you.

The liturgical fellowship in the spirit of Orthodox unity continued the following day, on Sunday, when His Eminence, Metropolitan Kyrillos of Imbros and Tenedos, arrived at the Holy Monastery of Dadia as the envoy of His All-Holiness, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. Presiding over the Divine Eucharist, the Holy Metropolitan of Imbros, together with His Eminence, Metropolitan Damaskinos of Didymoteicho, His Grace, Bishop Parthenios of Antania, the Archimandrites Kyrillos and Anatolios, and the clergy of the Monastery, offered the bloodless sacrifice to the Lord for the salvation of the world.

Finally, we extend our deepest gratitude to His Eminence, Metropolitan Damaskinos, for his heartfelt invitation, for the exceptional hospitality, and for the warm fraternal welcome. His humble and zealous ministry, accompanied by constant care and respect for all of us, stands as a true example of archpastoral love and dedication. We were immeasurably blessed to be part of this sacred fellowship, and we pray to the Lord to reward him with health and strength, so that he may continue his blessed archpastoral work, to the glory of the Church of God and for the salvation of as many souls as possible.