O new commingling; O strange conjunction; the Self-Existent comes into being, the Uncreated is created, That which cannot be contained is contained, by the intervention of an intellectual soul, mediating between the Deity and the corporeity of the flesh. And He Who gives riches becomes poor, for He assumes the poverty of my flesh, that I may assume the richness of His Godhead. He that is full empties Himself, for He empties Himself of His glory for a short while, that I may have a share in His Fullness. What is the riches of His Goodness? What is this mystery that is around me? I had a share in the image; I did not keep it; He partakes of my flesh that He may both save the image and make the flesh immortal. He communicates a second Communion far more marvelous than the first, inasmuch as then He imparted the better Nature, whereas now Himself partakes of the worse. This is more godlike than the former action, this is loftier in the eyes of all men of understanding.
How truly unusual and wonderful is the mystery of this holy night, which in the Bigorski monastery brought a multitude of faithful to a prayerful pilgrimage, who, like the three wise men, arrived from all over our country, attracted by the graceful call of the Church for participation in the sacred mystery of the Nativity. These zealous pilgrims of the Divine Child were introduced in the joy of Christmas through the short but inspirational Christmas eve’s performance by our dear friend, Vera Miloshevska from the band Ljubojna and her cosingers, who with great joy sang the wonderful Christmas songs, including her newest interpretation “Christ is born today”.
Later, to the great surprise of our beloved Elder, Archimandrite Parthenius, his faithful spiritual child, Fr. Boban Mitevski, upon the invitation of our brotherhood, used this God-given opportunity, to present before the numerous spiritual children of our Elder, the first book with his sermons, titled “God incarnated in a body, resurrected in glory”. So, his impressions by the book turned into a speech of gratitude for our father.
Gracefully opening our hearts for the holy ineffable Nativity of the Divine Child, who, as an inconceivable light breaks the darkness of the sin, the present faithful overcrowded in the church of Bigorski, and with prayerful compassion and alertness gave in to the joy of the Christmas sticherons, which worthily presented before their eyes the miracle of the Bethlehem event, making the Nativity of Christ an admirable reality and joy for each one of them. The same reality was tasted through the heavenly food which this night has been generously given to everyone-the holy Body and the Blood of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, descending from heavens today so that He could elevate us there. Christ is born!