The Bigorski Monastery shines again, filled with its numerous spiritual children, who came inspired by a single thought – to offer prayers and praise to the Holy Wonderworker of Lampsakos Parthenios because for 25 years now he has been interceding before the Divine Throne for their beloved Elder who carries his glorious name. And it’s not by chance that God enlightened our respected Bishop, the Debar-Kicevo Metropolitan, Mr Timothy to give him this name: just like the Lampsacos Saint, the Bigorski Elder speaks mostly with the language of love and humbleness, which opens the hearts and turns them into dwellings of God. The previous evening and this day the church demonstrated in its fullness the fruit of that 25 years long sacrifice of our Elder for his children. Countless gathering of bright faces united in a fervent prayer gathered in the rejoicing of their father. With sincere gratitude towards the Saint for his graceful support and mysterious enlightening of their Elder; for his blessing which increases the benefit of our Elder’s efforts; for the strength, he gives him in the hard temptations and struggles and feats. And with a humble bow before their spiritual father, because these past 25 years he boldly carries these temptations and struggles, just because of the self-sacrificing love he has for them. He has taken part in all of their sadness and hardship, carrying with compassion their burden on his shoulder, now they came to participate gratefully in his joy.
- Ознаки:
- Name day
- St. Parthenios Lampsakos