A sermon of His Eminence, Bishop Parthenius of Antania and Abbot of the Bigorski Monastery, on the Sunday of the parable for the poor beggar Lazarus, uttered in the monastery Refectory on 4th November 2018
My dear ones, today during the Holy Liturgy we had an opportunity to hear one of the most wonderful parables, which our Lord Jesus Christ, in His Divine wisdom, has told the people. Namely, in His Evangelical story the Divine Teacher and Saviour represents two personalities: of an extremely wealthy man and of a poor beggar named by Him as Lazarus, which means “God is my Helper”. This Lazarus lived nearby, almost at the threshold of the rich man’s house and patiently waited for the crumbs from the rich man’s table in order to feed himself, but as the Gospel says, even that was hard for him to get, so he hungered.
Last weekend I had several young people who came to me for a spiritual conversation. They didn’t know much about the Gospel of Christ and weren’t all that familiar with their own Orthodox faith. During the conversation one of the boys asked me: “Father what would Hell be like and who are those people that would end in it?” And I replied: “I wouldn’t want to think even for a second that there would be human souls in hell, therefore I pray and hope for all men to be saved”. Still the question of this boy inspired me to contemplate all week, as to how nice it would be if all men were saved and entered the Kingdom of God... (Continue reading )