Ознака:Holy Friday

Services and Sacraments

(Video) Holy and Great Friday

A terrible mystery. All creation is silent before the drama of Golgotha, dumbstruck by the ineffable humility and patience of its Creator, who voluntarily accepts suffering and a shameful death. The sight of His terrible sufferings, sorrow, and tears overwhelms…

Services and Sacraments

Holy and Great Friday (in the evening)

Gathered in the night around the Kuvuklia with the Holy Epitaphio, as if around the Tomb of Christ, with prayer and contemplation we pay tribute to the mystery of this Life-giving Tomb. The heart-breaking verses of lamentation carve with the…

Services and Sacraments

Holy and Great Friday (video)

Come, let us all praise Him Who was crucified for us. Mary beheld Him on the Tree and said, "Though You endure even the Cross, You are my Son and my God." (Kontakion of Holy Friday) We are approaching now…

Spiritual subjects

Video for Good Friday – The Passion of Christ

The Apostle of love, St John, wrote a new history for the world. Not the history of vices and death, but rather the one of real life, saying: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting…

Services and Sacraments

Holy Friday

Oh, today on the Cross our Light is dying… The suffering on this Great and Holy Friday makes every soul tremble, bent down below the cross that stands high in the middle of the Bigorski church and venerating the Crucified…