Continuing from the previous Monastic Sermon at KPD “Idrizovo”, upon the invitation of the institution’s director, Filip Andonov, and other members of the administration, with the approval of the Director of the Administration for the Execution of Sanctions, the esteemed Mr. Marjan Spasovski, and to our great pleasure, with the blessing of our Abbot, Bishop of Antanisian Mr. Partenij, the monks from our holy monastery made another visit, this time to KPU Prison Skopje, in the Šuto Orizari district.
After brief introductions, the brothers preached to the inmates about the significance of true freedom in Christ, which He purchased with His honorable Blood, and about finding one’s true self and purpose through repentance. At the end, a significant number of the sermon’s listeners on the Lord’s Gospel approached the holy mystery of confession. For their spiritual needs, copies of the New Testament and other soul-beneficial books were donated to the prison library.
Hoping that this God-pleasing cooperation will continue and further develop, for the benefit of our afflicted brothers, we pray to the philanthropic God to be merciful to them and to us and to visit with His grace all hearts that thirst for Him. Amen.