Fear – that’s not who you are

You are not the one who fears. You are not the one who gets upset. You are not the one who trembles and goes crazy from the troubles and difficulties of everyday life. No, those are the roles you have imposed upon yourself, they make you feel like that. If you take off the coat they have put on you, and tear up the mask you wear, presenting to be something you are not, then you will see that you have never shown fear; you have never felt melancholic. Your anxiety does not belong to you. It belongs to your roles. It is not yours. You are joyful. The spirit and the soul which lives within you knowns no anxiety, nor concerns, it is a gift from God filled with light and joy. The concerns are results of the lie you live. The anxiety is because of the role you are trying to play. The fear – a guilt, not because of the things you have done, but because of the things you have forgotten or forbidden yourself from experiencing… 

You are not the one who fears, but you feel the fears of those who have raised you. Parents are not just biological reality, but rather and much more emotional imposers. In any case, the soul is not born with fears and projections. As St. Porphyrios has said: Our ancestors live within us. It is our duty to heal them.  

Out of precaution, we surrounded ourselves with walls, and those walls turned into our prison”

(Kostas Ouranis)

If there is anything that moves Christ, it’s the people who have love. Those who have big hearts. They feel, suffer go through the pain, the joy, the life, the worries, affection and love. The Myrrh-Bearing Women were the first to have seen the resurrected Christ, because deep in their hearts they longed for Him. They had the love which overcomes fear and insecurity, justifications and prejudice. They had the heart which knowns only to love, the one that only gives and expects nothing in return…