
Services and Sacraments

Consecration of the chapel dedicated to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

Consecration of the chapel dedicated to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker located in the East Palace of the Monastery Complex at the Bigorski Monastery In this festive period of the Resurrection of the Christ, on the Week of the Samaritan Woman,…

Services and Sacraments

The blessing descended by St. Parthenius’ prayers consecrated the foundations for the new hospices

The commune prayer towards St. Parthenius of Lampsacus attracted his blessing the next day too, when the festivity reached its peak with the festive Divine Liturgy headed by His Eminence, the Metropolitan of Debar and Kichevo Mr. Timothy and co-celebrated…


A reminiscence: 20 years since the re-consecration of the Bigorski Church

Twenty years ago, on this day, day of commemorating St. Martyr Hierotheus of Athens and our Most Revered Father Paul the Simple, happened the holy re-consecration of the Bigorski church dedicated to the Holy Forerunner and Baptist St. John. Three…