

The Path of “Cherry Wood Cannonball” Through Bigorski

The readiness to sacrifice even one's own life in defense of our holy faith, our neighbors, and the Fatherland was one of the main traits of our God-loving and freedom-loving ancestors. The Gospel spirit of self-denial for the common good…

Sermons of Bishop Parthenius

Let us transform ourselves according to the image of God so that we can change the world

Sermon of His Eminence, bishop Parthenius of Antania, Abbot of the Holy Bigorski Monastery, delivered on the day of St. Elijah, in the temple of the Great Martyr George the Triumphant in village Lazaropole, on August 2nd 2022 In the…


This Year Again – “The Path of the Cherry Ball” at Bigorski

Traditionally, this year too, the Holy Monastery of Bigorski dignifiedly commemorated the memory of the legendary "Cherry Ball", a symbol of our people's struggle for freedom. A group of young patriots, organized by the association "The Path of the Cherry…

Sermons of Bishop Parthenius

Only the one who has succeeded in defeating himself can truly rule

Sermon of His Eminence, Bishop Parthenius, Elder and Abbot of the Bigorski Monastery spoken at the act of Doxology on the Feast of the Holy Prophet Elijah, and the National Holiday, the heroic Ilinden Uprising, on the 2nd of August…

Sermons of Bishop Parthenius

A righteous life is the fruit of a righteous belief

Sermon of His Eminence, Bishop Parthenius of Antania, Elder and Abbot of the Bigorski Monastery, delivered on the Feast of St Elijah, and the Day of the Republic, during the Holy Liturgy at the Church "St. George the Triumphant” in…


Bestowed with the “Ilinden” Award – Archimandrite Partenij

Yesterday, on the day of the independence of the Macedonian Republic, the president of the Macedonian society "Ilinden" from Tirana, Mr. Nikola Gjurgjaj, visited the Holy Bigorska Monastery. He arrived accompanied by his devout family to personally present the honorary…