Resurrection of Christ – Holy Pascha

Holy Pascha, the Resurrection of Christ. O death, where is your sting? O death, where is your victory? (1 Corinthians 15:55) Today is the pinnacle of our joy, the fullness of our rejoicing. This is the day that divides history, the day when Life triumphed over death. The feast of feasts. Joy of all joys, a joy not of this world, but one born from the boundless love of God for man, a love that transcends the limits of time and death.

On Holy Pascha, we sing aloud: “Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tombs bestowing life.” These words are not just the zenith of our liturgical celebration; they are also the true expression of our faith. They encompass the promise and the victory; the victory of life over death, the light that dispels the darkness, the hope that arises from the new creation.

This day and night, Bigorski fully lives in the light of the holy and glorious Resurrection of Christ. The countenance of our beloved Elder, Bishop Partenij of Antania, reflected that mysterious light of Holy Pascha and the reality of renewed life in the Risen Christ, like a mirror. His facial expression bore a clear message: to carry the Paschal light and joy into our daily lives, to be witnesses of that invincible love. Our lives should reflect that eternal joy, just as it did on this resurrection morning.

The faithful and humble pilgrims of the Risen Savior around the world had the opportunity to follow most of the services live and view beautiful photographs of them during the past holy and great days, thanks to the dedicated efforts of our dear brothers and collaborators: Stojan Stojanovski and his team from “2S Studio,” Aleksandar Paunovski, Nikola Grncharov, Darko Cvetanski, Davor Bogdanoski from, and Stefan Trajanoski. We express our great gratitude to them and pray for God’s blessings upon them.