Invitation to the monastery feast

  • Monday, 10th September
    • 18:30 h. – Ceremonial Vespers Divine service
  • Tuesday, 11th September
    • 7:30 h. – Mattins Divine service
    • 8:45 h. – Welcoming of the Metropolitan of Debar and Kichevo, His Eminence, Mr. Timothy
    • 9:00 h. – Festive Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrisostom

The glorious Bigorski sanctuary, which in the past centuries has truly been a pride for our ancestors and a pillar of their Orthodox faith and self-esteem, especially for the inhabitants of this area, continues even today, with no less intensity, to testify the evangelical Truth and strengthen the faith of our nation. Therefore, let us take this opportunity to show worthy respect to St. John the Baptist and testify our devotional love to his centuries –old sanctuary, thus gaining the blessing of this glorious Forerunner. It gives us great honour and joy to invite, on behalf of Christ’s Prophet and Baptist, all the faithful Orthodox Christians to join us in this triumphant celebration in his name, because on this greatest holiday of his, the day of his Beheading, he is gracefully and prayerfully present, and through his renowned and miraculous icon listens to and fulfils the prayers of those who call upon him with great love and faith. This is the day when “the greatest among those born of women” pours forth his God-given grace, to all who eagerly celebrate his holiday. And if a simple man rejoices immensely when he gets visited by his dear friends on the day of his feast, how much greater is the joy and mercy of the saints towards those who celebrate them! May the prayers of the Holy Prophet and Forerunner, St. John the Baptist, be with all of us!