Liturgical ascents to Krchin

In the heights, where the earth meeteth the sky and the first rays of the sun bless thy coming day, where thou walkest focused and calm to hear the voice of silence and in deep asceticism slowly ascendest to the goal, there thy whole being awaketh for a blessed prayerful feat to partake in the Mystery of all mysteries, in the Divine Eucharist, which this year for the eighth time happened on the mystical peak of Great Krchin (2341 m).

With the blessing of our most beloved Elder, the bishop Antaniski Mr. Partenij, as well as with the permission of the management of the Mavrovo National Park, this beautiful peak again gathered us together, to send us again the grace of the Taborian feat. A special honor for all of us was the presence of the protopresbyter Boban Mitevski, who co-served with the archimandrite Kiril from the Bigorska Abode. The respected priest shared with us his unhidden enthusiasm from the common feat, in his enlightened word about the beauty and the grace-filled experience of the Eucharistic assembly on this our Tabor, for which sacrificially endeavored the Bigorski monks and the nuns from the monastery in Rajcica, as well as the mountain guides at the Macedonian Association of International Mountain Guides (MAIVP) and the Federation of Mountain Sports of Macedonia (FPSM), whose professionalism and support are always a great encouragement in organizing these ascetic ascents.

May our Lord Jesus Christ send His uncreated light to those who constantly yearn for Him and love Him unreservedly.