Spiritual joy in honour of St. George the Triumphant

Deeply inspired by the recent visit to the tomb of Saint George the Great Martyr in Lydda, the sisters of the Holy Rajčica and Prečista Monastery, along with the brotherhood of the Sacred Bigorski Monastery, together with their beloved Elder, Archimandrite Partenij, in rapture and spiritual joy greeted the memory of this glorious martyr for Christ and patron of the monastic sisterhood. That grace-filled sensation that wafted through the church even during the evening service and filled the souls of the numerous present faithful, this morning at the Divine Liturgy, multiplied and with an even stronger burst, testified to the mysterious presence of the Victor. For today, in the suitably adorned monastic church, the beautiful praise stichera were especially prayerfully sung by the monastic choirs, creating a wonderful ambiance of universal celebration. As Saint George himself, who in the prime years of his youth offered himself to Christ, enduring the most horrific tortures and remaining steadfast and unshakable in his Christian faith, now rejoiced with his monastic elect, who like him left the world and everything in it, to dedicate themselves to the voluntary struggle for the sake of Christ, and today with special love commemorated his martyrdom. And the large multitude of faithful who found the church too small today, but who could not but share with the brothers and sisters of our holy Monasteries the great respect, gratitude, and love for him who for many years has protected this sanctuary and through his prayerful intercession contributed, in the last few years, to its shining in all its glory – as a precious spiritual treasury from which the word of life is imparted to all. The Divine Liturgy crowned this celebration with a rich spiritual feast, delighting the faithful with the holy gifts of Christ. Thus spiritually fortified, the attendees did not miss tasting the festive meal that the sisters with great love prepared for them.

Holy glorious Great Martyr George, pray to Christ God for us!