20 Most Recent Posts

Grace That Renews Souls: Holy Liturgy at the Dolno-Drimkol Monastery of St. Archangel Gabriel

The grace of God's ineffable Mysteries is what renews Christ's people and empowers them to overcome this world. Without grace, no one would be saved. The Holy Apostle Paul states: "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves—it is the gift of God" (Eph. 2:9). Yet, for grace…

Bigorski Documentary Wins Prestigious Award

Dear readers and devotees of the Sacred Bigorski Monastery, it is with immense joy and gratitude to God, the Giver of all good things, that we inform you of a significant honor bestowed upon the Bigorski documentary "1000 Years – Witness of the Light." Directed by our esteemed friend and collaborator, Mr. Ilija Iko Karov,…

For Blessed Repose...

Just before her birthday and the beginning of her transformative and salvific mission in the world, the Mother Church today compassionately calls us to earnest prayer for the repose of our departed fathers, brothers, sisters, relatives, parents, and ancestors. In doing so, she reminds us that within her, all of us—the living and the departed—are…

The Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord at the Prechista Monastery

The Ascension of Christ, a momentous event of great import for all mankind, doth stand as living testament to the fulfillment of the Divine work for the salvation of the human race. As doth the Divine Paul declare: "He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might…

Bigorski Monastery Representatives Attend Name Day Celebrations of the Ecumenical Patriarch

Over the past two days, June 110th and 11th, when the Church of God commemorates the Holy Glorious Apostles Bartholomew and Barnabas according to the new calendar, as well as the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of her miraculous icon "Axion Estin," His All-Holiness, Archbishop of New Rome – Constantinople and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, celebrated…

Grand Celebration of the Commemoration of Saint John Vladimir in Albania

This past Monday and Tuesday, on June 3rd and 4th, in the peaceful village of Shijon, near Elbasan, Albania, Orthodox clergy and believers from several countries, including Albania, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Montenegro, gathered in large numbers to commemorate the feast day at the Holy Monastery dedicated to the Blessed Prince and Martyr Saint John…

Commemoration of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen in Rajcica

Today, the triumphant Church, still glowing with the colors of the Resurrection, softly whispers through a blend of beautiful verses into our souls about the glorious life of the one who, along with her wise son, adorned the universe with magnificent temples to reflect the glory of God within them. Indeed, who would not remember…

Book Launch: "Only Love You Spread, Christ"

In an atmosphere of immediate joy and pure Paschal exclamations, expressed through children's smiles and delight, the launch of the Easter collection of children's poems, titled "Only Love You Spread, Christ," took place yesterday. The collection of Easter works, which the children of Debar, Reka, Mavrovo, and beyond compiled for their best friends—the children—was created…

Austrian Ambassador Visits Millennial Bigorski Monastery

As a monument to the eternal spiritual values shared by all Christian peoples, and as a pillar of the unifying force of cultural exchange, the Holy Bigorski Monastery of the Honorable Forerunner today welcomed the Austrian Ambassador to the country, His Excellency Mr. Martin Pammer, who arrived at the millennial shrine accompanied by his associates.…

A Remembrance of Constantinople

"Today, the Queen of all cities lays down the crown of the earthly kingdom, offered to torment, the gift of Constantine is purified by fire, the City of the Mother of God, and from the hands of the Creator of ages, receives a radiant crown of eternal glory, the house of the saints and the…

"The Small Montmartre of Bitola" Shines Again at Bigorski

Yesterday, under the glorious rays of the post-Resurrection celebration of Christ, our Monastery was the center of a magnificent cultural and artistic event – the children's art colony "The Small Montmartre of Bitola." This artistic manifestation was organized by the president of this international children's art colony, Elena Hadzi-Antonovska, and the president of the Board…

The Prayerful Person is the Greatest Benefactor of Humanity

Sermon of His Grace Bishop Parthenius of Antania, Abbot of the Holy Bigorski Monastery, delivered on the commemoration of Saints Cyril and Methodius, during the Holy Liturgy, at the Bigorski skete in the village of Bitushe dedicated to them, on May 24, 2024, the Year of Our Lord Christ is Risen! Most Reverend and Reverend…

The Commemoration of the Holy Brothers Cyril and Methodius in Their Skete in Bitushe

In the region where the majestic peak of Mount Krchin begins to rise powerfully, amidst the beautiful greenery, the mountain fragrance, and the roaring waters rushing steeply towards the radiant Radika River, today the heavenly blessing of the Holy Slavonic Enlighteners, the Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, abundantly descended upon the liturgical assembly in the temple…

EU Ambassador David Geer Visits the Holy Bigorski Monastery

This afternoon, His Excellency Mr. David Geer, Ambassador of the European Union Delegation to North Macedonia, accompanied by his associates, paid a visit to the Holy Bigorski Monastery of St. John the Baptist. The esteemed guests had the opportunity to closely acquaint themselves with our millennia-old Sanctuary. In the spirit of monastic hospitality, the Ambassador…

Visit of Metropolitan Elijah and Orthodox Believers from Finland

Over the past few days, we have had the great joy of hosting a group of about thirty young Orthodox Christians from distant Finland at our monasteries. These Christ-loving souls were led by His Eminence Metropolitan Elijah of Oulu from the Church of Finland. Accompanying him were Hierodeacon and diocesan secretary Mr. Artturi Hirvonen and…

(Video) Young Folk Dancers at the Knezinski Monastery

Bright Week, the blessed Eighth Day of the Resurrection, concludes its calendar cycle for this year but continues to shine brightly upon the faithful with the eternal dawn of the Eschaton. In the light of its rays, today, on Bright Saturday, a festive Easter event took place at the Knezinski Monastery near Kichevo – a…

Easter Reflections at the Monastery of Prechista Kichevska on Bright Friday – Life-giving Spring

The serene beauty of the Monastery of the Most Holy Mother of God Prechista Kichevska was filled with grateful prayers and hymns of praise today. Bright Friday is truly a day of spiritual radiance at Prechista. The commemoration of the Most Holy Lady in honor of her Life-giving Spring (Balıklı) in Constantinople, reminds us of…

(Video) Triumphant Paschal Procession in Struga

The paschal celebration of the most holy and radiant night, which was doubled the next day in Rajčica, in the glorious Monastery of the Trophy-Bearer with the commemoration of his illustrious memory, yesterday moved to the beautiful town of Struga. There, through the triumphant and festive Procession (Eordia) through the streets of Struga, it once…

(Video) Vespers of Love and Saint George

How close to the soul are the Resurrection of Christ and the commemoration of Saint George the Great Martyr and Trophy-Bearer! Indeed, every time we remember Saint George, we are filled with the resurrectional feeling from his miraculous life, which is essentially a testimony to the Resurrection and eternal life. Today, the sisterhood at the…

Resurrection of Christ – Holy Pascha

Holy Pascha, the Resurrection of Christ. O death, where is your sting? O death, where is your victory? (1 Corinthians 15:55) Today is the pinnacle of our joy, the fullness of our rejoicing. This is the day that divides history, the day when Life triumphed over death. The feast of feasts. Joy of all joys,…